
Parks and Recreation offers a wide variety of programs for all ages. In addition to parks, open spaces, and playgrounds, the department manages the Larry Dale Aquatic Center, the Sanford Senior Center, summer camps and after-school programs.


Youth Programs

Parks and Recreation offers affordable youth athletic programs, camps, specialty camps, and after-school programs.

Contact: (407)688-5120


Adult Programs

Parks and Recreation offers a range of athletic programs and recreational activities for adults 18+ including Softball, Volleyball and Flag Football.

Contact: (407)688-5120

Golden Age Games

Senior Programs

Parks and Recreation offers a variety of affordable programs, for those 50 and up, to stay active, independent, and connected.

Contact: (407)688-5129

City of Sanford, FL | The Friendly City

We are currently experiencing operational issues at the City’s North Water Reclamation Facility. This facility produces the majority of the City’s reclaim water.  We are currently limiting the hours of operation for our reclaim water system from 8:00 PM-8:00 AM. Please keep in mind the pressure will be low to very little until this is resolved.